Legon Journal of Sociology (LJS)
Research Review of the Institute of African Studies
The Legon Journal of the Humanities
Ghana Social Science Journal
Management and Organization, UGBS Journal

Agora (food, agric, env. stress and related social sciences)
 Aluka (scholarly resources from and about Africa - full text)
 American Institute of Physics (Applied and multidisciplinary physics - full text)
 American Physical Society (Physics, Atomic, molecular and optical physics, Condensed matter and materials physics, Nuclear physics, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, Statistical, non-linear, and soft matter physics, Accelerators and beams, Physics education research - full text )
 Annual Reviews (Biomedical, life & physical Sciences, Social Sciences)
  Beech Tree Publishing (public policy - full text)
 BioOne (biological, ecological and environmental sciences - full text)
 British Psychological Society (BPS) Journals (11 international peer-reviewed journals - full text)
 Business Monitor International
 Chicago Journals (multidisciplinary - full text)
 Cochrane Medical Library (evidence - based medical systematic reviews)
 EBSCOhost (all subjects - abstracts and full text)
 Emerald (management, lib and info science, engineering - full text)
 Encyclopedia Britannica
 Faculty of 1000 Medicine (Medicine)
 Geological Society (Geology and Earth Sciences - full text)
 HINARI (biomedical sciences and other disciplines)
 Indiana University Press Journals(humanities and Social Sciences - full text)
 Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) (Computer Science, Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Remote Sensing - full text)
 Institute of Physics (engineering, Physics and related subjects)
 JSTOR (all subjects - full text)
 Mary Ann Liebert Inc (biomedical research, clinical medicine, surgery, law and Science - abstracts)
 Nature Publishing (Science)
 Online Access to Research in the Environment (OARE) (Environment - fulltext)
 Optical Society of America (15 Optics and photonics journals)
 Oxford English Dictionary (science, technology, medicine, humanities, social sciences - abstracts and full text)
 Oxford Journals (science, technology, medicine, humanities, social sciences - abstracts and full text)
 Oxford Reference Online (dictionaries and encyclopedia in all subjects - full text)
 Palgrave Macmillan Journals (25 peer-reviewed journals in Social Sciences, Management, Urban Design and Architecture - full text)
 Policy Press Journals (Social policy, Social welfare, Family policy, Social work, Public policy, Criminal justice, Housing, Urban policy - full text)
 Project MUSE (Humanities and social sciences - full text)
 Royal College of Physicians (Clinical medicine, Public Health - full text)
 Royal Society (Science)
 Royal Society Journals online (7 leading journals on Mathematics, Engineering and other physical sciences, All biological sciences; particularly good on ecology, environment, Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary science)
 Royal Society of Chemistry : RSC journals archives (all branches of Chemistry - full text)
 Sage Journals Online (more than 560 journals in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine - full text)
 ScienceDirect (all subjects - full text)
 Symposium Journals (Education and Learning - full text)
 University of California Press (8 journals covering Area Studies, History of Science, Human research and BioEthics, Sociology, Social interaction)
 Wiley - Blackwell (formerly Blackwell Publishing) (all subjects - full text)

Online Journals
 American Journal of Science (Earth Science)

Free Electronic Resources
 African Journals Online (AJOL) (all subjects - table of contents and abstracts)
 BioMed Central (Biomedical Sciences)
  Database of African Theses and Dissertations (DATAD) (Abstracts)
 Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (all subjects)
 Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) (all subjects)
 Google Scholar (Multidisciplinary)
 Highwire Press (Biological sciences, medical sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities)
 Popline1 (Reproductive Health)
 Topics in Development
 World Bank Databases

Trial Access
 Ebrary (ebooks - Multi-Disciplinary) (Access expires April 28, 2011)
 Wilson Web (Multidisciplinary) (Access expires April 30, 2011)

Millennium Web Catalog

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